Feb. 26, 2005
This Black History Month feature in the Charlotte Observer includes a picture of Sarah Stevenson taken for brochures in her 1980 bid for a CMS school board seat.
School board candidates debate busing
April 15, 1988
The Charlotte Observer offered this synopsis of the conversation among 14 school board candidates in the days leading up to a May 3 election for five seats.
Leading a bond campaign
Oct. 3, 1986
Sarah Stevenson, at podium, was co-chair of the county's 1986 bond campaign.
Sworn in for 2nd school board term
Aug. 14, 1984
Photo shows the swearing-in ceremony for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. Left to right: Ward McKeithen, Saran Stevenson, Don Austin, Carrie Winter, Betsy Bennett and Judge James B. McMillan.
1984 election to school board certified
May 4, 1984
Sarah Stevenson saved her certificate of having been re-elected to the CMS Board of Education.
Charlotte Post’s Unique Black Women recognition
Feb. 10, 1983
In an interview with the Charlotte Post, Sarah Stevenson focused on black students having higher expectations for themselves, and greater parent involvement in education.
‘Charlotte-Mecklenburg Story’ listing
Dec. 9, 1980
Sarah Stevenson joins the school board. From the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Story:
Observer on candidates in CMS board runoff
June 2, 1980
This is a Charlotte Observer report on the candidates in the runoff election for four school board seats.
1980 election flier
May 6, 1980
An election flier from Sarah Stevenson's first run for public office as a member of the CMS Board of Education.
Successful end to a band uniform fund-raiser
Nov. 24, 1971
Charlotte Observer librarian Maria David published this online “Retro Charlotte” column on Nov. 30, 2016 under the headline, “West Charlotte’s Marching Lions and their really good day, 1971.”
The piece focused on a report by local columnist Kays Gary, published Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1971, the day before Thanksgiving. It recounted the “Thank You Charlotte” marching band performance ...
PTA Council Annual Meeting
April 22, 1971
Sarah Stevenson saved this program from the 1971 annual meeting of the PTA Council over which she presided as president. The meeting marked the end of her one-year service heading the group.
Swann v Mecklenburg argued at the Supreme Court
Oct. 12, 1970
Julius Chambers argued the Swann v Mecklenburg case before the U.S. Supreme Court on this day. Here are some pictures Sarah Stevenson saved from a visit to the Court in Washington, D.C.
Sarah Stevenson elected PTA Council president
April 24, 1970
The Observer's report on the PTA Council meeting at which Sarah Stevenson was elected president.
Report on CPA candidates at forum
April 24, 1970
An Observer report on a candidate forum in 1970 in which Concerned Parents Association candidates Bill Booe, Tom Harris and Jane Scott.