- Appreciation for service to Missouri Synod
Oct. 23, 1998
The writer, president of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, wrote Sarah Stevenson on the completion of Stevenson’s term on the church’s Board for Black Ministry.
- Plaudits for work at Prince of Peace Lutheran
Jan, 9, 2000
This letter was written to mark the end of Sarah Stevenson’s 1999 term as president of the congregation of her church, Prince of Peace Lutheran on Beatties Ford ...
- Coalition of Lutherans in Black Ministry
Sept. 19, 1992
Sarah Stevenson received this certificate for her “pioneering efforts, leadership and continuing support” from the Coalition of Lutherans in Black Ministry.
- Charlotte Post’s Unique Black Women recognition
Feb. 10, 1983
In an interview with the Charlotte Post, Sarah Stevenson focused on black students having higher expectations for themselves, and greater parent involvement in education.