Updates on Sarah Stevenon

As 2021 opened, younger sister Elloree Erwin continued to update Sarah Stevenson's friends on her condition and on ways to visit. Erwin's updates in 2020 are here. Nov. 13, 2021 Elloree Erwin, Sarah’s sister, writes, “Please share Sarah’s direct phone number. It is 980-335-0771. We’ve been successful in getting this done. It would’ve been done earlier had we known that we could have this don...

2020: Sarah Stevenson’s move into care facility

The year 2020 turned tortuous just weeks after the New Year as COVID-19 spread rapidly across America, sickening and killing people of all ages. This is not the place to recount the grim history. But Sarah Stevenson found herself entering a devastating year in a weakened condition. As family and friends looked in on her or employed helpers for her, Ms. Stevenson mostly stayed at home off Beatties ...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, 1982

Jan. 15, 1982 One of the key turns in an ever-changing Charlotte celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day occurred on this day in 1982. And one of the architects of that turn took time out in 2022 to piece together a retrospective of the 1982 MLK Day Observance. Ken Koontz used clippings, photos and his own reflections in the material below. He was emcee of an evening event at the Charlotte...